Skinny fat to Fit and firm

EmilyBlog, Fat to Fit } My Journey, Transformations2 Comments



In my weight loss journey there have been many goals achieved and new goals set. For me, this is the key to keeping the weight of.  Upon reaching a healthy weight, I was thrilled to have reached my gaol! But found my body didn’t look quite as I imagined it would. Rather than discount my huge success and dwell in disappointment, I celebrated with a new goal.

obviously a scale number could no longer be my measure of achievement. So I dive into the world of body fat % and sought reasonable heathy parameters for a sustainable and health new goal.  I wanted to earn the body I envisioned with my initial weight loss journey.

for me this meant setting my goal to be fit and firm . Not knowing exactly what lifestyle changes I would need to maintain body fat percentages, I decided to set my self up for success. I set my BF goal, between 17-20%. Knowing I had to choose a sustainable realistic goal to avoid discourage by over an unreasonable goal.( I have children and a husband , I want to eat healthy with my family and not miss out on birthday celebrations or pizza night;).

So, with a goal to be fit and firm and a standard that affords for real life, allowing me to model a healthy life with moderation and reason for indulgence, I set of.

Can I just say, I love strength training! The results were evident so much faster the. Weight loss goals were. And the quick reward keeps me motivated! Clean eating has become a big part of our families diet at least 80% of what we eat is fresh and non processed.

i went from 155lb at 5’9 and 20%bf( still considered health, But I show no time at this %) to 150lb and 17% body fat in 4 month.  For me this is easily sustainable weight and bf% that shows the firm fit body I wanted. This requires 2 spin classes and 3(45 min) strength straining sessions a week.

I like to keep it real and say that after holiday meals or an indulgent weekend with friends or family, I can see and feel the difference in my stomach and it takes me a good week to work it if. But that is so doable and worth it to enjoy life and feel good in my skin.

I don’t intend too loose more bf… It isn’t sustainable much below 15%(for women), without dramatic diet restrictions and health implications …. And my overall goal, is health!

however I still set goals, I want to see real ab definition and banish the buthie. You know, when your butt and thigh are one unit….. My goal is to build a butt of muscle, standing out from a firm thigh:).

my advice for reaching your goals, keep it real! Don’t beat your self up for missing a day at the gym or not losing weight that week, each day is a new day! Celebrate not gaining, praise yourself for how often you do make your health a priority and love the new chance you get each day to make your self better, stronger, healthier, happier. You are the only one with the power to do it!

Ps still in draft for from my iphone….I will fix all the errors and typos when I get caught up on my grad work. But I didn’t want to leave every one who private messages me w questions hanging.

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2 Comments on “Skinny fat to Fit and firm”

    1. Thank you so much for reading stephanie!! it means allot to me! please feel free to as any questions at all. I would love to help support you any way i can!

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